Pinchbeck Carnival

Wow, what a day. A day of heady achievement, both on and off the field, so to speak. Second prize for the SDARS exhibition stand and winners of the hard-fought-for tug of war contest. Our team of senior citizens pitched against a team of prime-of-life, half our...

Talk at KLARC – “All at Sea”

Hi all, I have just received a message from KLARC, as follows: Just a quick message to all your members, this Thursday the 23rd March we will be hosting a talk by Steve Nicholls G0KYA entitled ALL AT SEA. Club opens 7pm tea coffee etc. is being laid on by our Chairman...

Club talk

The first guest speaker at the new meeting venue will be on the 17th March, delighted to welcome David G6ENN, who will be enlightening us all on portable operating, David can often be heard out and about, locally and in the Lake District. David has a large knowledge...

Junk Sale

The members annual junk sale will take place on Sunday the 19th Feb. Usual venue at Bromley Hall, Pode Hole, Spalding PE11 3LL. Doors open 9.30, earlier if cold, burger van will be onsite. Plenty of room and tables to sell from, great social gathering, and a chance to...


The annual general meeting will take place on the 20th January 2017, 19.30 in the down stairs meeting room at the…… South Holland Centre 23 Market Place Spalding Lincolnshire PE11 1SS  

Club Logo?

Just a suggestion for a New Club logo. All comments and submissions are welcome. 73 Jim G0HGH

This weeks Club Contests

This weeks Club Contest is the UKAC on Tuesday, 6th December, 20:00 to 22:30.  Rules Here;   There are no more HF Club Contests in December and I have not seen next years Contest Calendar yet. Normally the 1st Contest of the New Year will be the HF AFS CW on both...

New website

Well, after a few false starts we have managed to build a basic website and will be adding content and functionality over the next few months. The site will be maintained on a regular basis and all content will be reviewed frequently to ensure it is relevant. The...

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