Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society

Report of Annual General Meeting 2013

 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held on 18th January 2013 at 7.30 P.M.
in the upstairs function room, Castle Swimming Pool, Spalding.

7 Members Present (13 apologies of absence were received.)

The meeting started at 19.35 hours.

The minutes on the 2012 AGM were read out and approved. 

The Chairman spoke of the past year's events and The Gleed school having been booked again for another rally, A junk sale arranged for February, Christmas Dinner and UKAC
The Full report can read in the
Chairman’s report.
Agreed unanimously.

The Treasurer's report was read out by the Chairman, the membership much the same as last year, the Rally income and donations helped the finances well.

The club at present is in a very healthy situation.

The Full report with full details can be read in the  Treasurer’s report.
Agreed unanimously.

 The election of officers was as follows.

Chairman:                      John Hill G4NBR
Treasurer:                      Andrew Hebden G8BYB
Secretary:                     Graham Boor G8NWC

Committee Members:  Alan Hensman M0NBR
                                 Phil Decamps M0PAC   
                                 Paul Marchant M0WAF   
                                 Pete Henderson M0GTR   
                                 Andy Schofield 2E0WAX
                                 Jim Scott G0HGH

 Rally Secretary:             Graham Boor G8NWC
                                    John Hill G4NBR

Rally Floor Manager       Position Vacant

Web Site Manager.        Colin Guy G4DDI
Agreed unanimously.

This year’s subscriptions to remain at £15
Agreed unanimously.


A vote of thanks from all in attendance for the outgoing treasurer for all his work over the previous years.

Nobby G7FML asked that others also distribute the rally leaflets when they attened other rallies

Bob G1ZJP suggested that a introduction type newsletter or leaflet be produced to outline the benefits of the club and it's activities, he also mentioned high profile speakers.

Graham G8NWC anounced that some notable speakers from the hobby had been arranged for the year ahead, along with other events arranged, he asked that the members support these by attending.

Graham G8NWC also commented on the new pull up banner and that we would update the presentation material.

The presentation of trophies will take place at a later date, due to the poor weather conditions some winners were not available.

 The meeting closed at 20.25