Treasurer's Report, presented at the 2013 AGM.

 The club's income was down on last years takings due to less income from the rally and also to rises in the cost of the club room and subscriptions to the magazines. Also the club had to find new insurance this year due to ARIS pulling out of the amateur radio insurance business.  

The membership has remained the same as last years at forty members which includes five honorary members so this still shows a significant income to the club and now seems to be levelling off.  

Rally takings were down on last year although the expenses were less the rally still didn't make quite so much money overall.

As stated the club room rent, ISWL subs, PW and Radio user subs have all gone up the only ones to stay the same are the RSGB and GQRP.

Donations to the club are very good this year thanks to some very kind donations from our club members and also form LSWC for Graham G8NWC work attendance at the National Hamfest.

 Overall the club is doing very well thanks to all the club members' hard work at various events and other activities.

 John Hall