Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society

Report of Annual General Meeting 2010

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Held on 22nd January 2010 at 7.30 P.M.
in the upstairs function room, Castle Swimming Pool, Spalding.

19 Members Present (5 apologies of absence were received.)

The meeting started at 19.30 hours.

The minutes on the 2009 AGM were read out and approved. 
Agreed unanimously.

 The Chairman spoke of the past year's events and the fact that it had been a rewarding year for the club with many set targets being achieved.
The Gleed school having been booked again for another rally, A junk sale arranged for February, he also spoke of the VHF contests, Purchases made, Christmas Dinner and Donations.
The Full report can read in the
Chairman’s report.
Agreed unanimously.

The treasurer announced that the club expenses during the year had increased on the previous year, the Rally takings were slightly down, the Junk sale made a slight profit. He stated that subs might have to increase.

The club at present is in a very healthy situation.

The Full report with full details can be read in the  Treasurer’s report.
Agreed unanimously.


The election of officers was as follows.

Chairman:                      John Hill G4NBR
Treasurer:                      John Hall M1CDL
Secretary:                     Graham Boor G8NWC

Committee Members: 
                                     Phillip DeCamps M0PAC
                                     Mike Thompson G7THF
                                     Alan Hensman M0NBR
                                     Mark Clough 2E0TNV

Rally Secretary:             Graham Boor G8NWC
                                    John Hill G4NBR

Rally Floor Manager       Terry Kettlewell, G4TWR

Web Site Manager.        Colin Guy G4DDI
Agreed unanimously.

This years subscriptions were raised to £15
Agreed unanimously.


Phil M0PAC congratulated all those involved with the content and submission of the successful club of the year award for R13.

Graham G8NWC stated that rally bookings had started, enquiries to Kenwood etc for raffle prizes had been sent, and are awaiting for the budget for the next financial year to be set. He also reminded the floor of the Funday to take place later in the year and asked that members support it.

Bob G1ZJP thanked all the stations that had come on over the last year and supported the club in the UKAC contests.

Graham G8NWC suggested that overseas members remain on the club list, and sub free, unless they wanted to make a donation, this was agreed.

The meeting closed at 20.00