Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society

Report of Annual General Meeting 2002


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Held on 18th January 2002 at 7.30 P.M.

16 Members Present ( in addition 3 apologies received.)

The meeting started 5 minutes late, at 19.35 hours due to late arrivals. 
The minutes on the 2001 AGM were read out and approved. 
Agreed unanimously.

The Chairman spoke of the past year's events, he mentioned the issue of the special callsign ( G4OO ) as a memorial callsign and the purchase of new equipment for the club members to use. 

The treasurer presented his report and the club accounts, and recommended that the club subscription be held at its current level of £7.50. 
The secretary had very little to report. 
Agreed unanimously.

There being no nominations or volunteers to stand for office, the following Club committee and officers were re-elected.

Chairman: John Hill G4NBR
Vice Chairman: Neil Johnson G7UIO
Treasurer: Mick Pell M0BSL
Secretary: Ray Pearson M0CTM
Rally Co-ordinator: Terry Kettlewell G4TWR
John Hall M1CDL
Graham Boor G8NWC
Ambrose Garner M0DJA
Paul Dimbleby SWL Member

Colin Guy (G4DDI) was invited to join the committee as Web Site Manager, he accepted the position. Due to illness, Alan Charlton was not re-elected as QSL Manager, but it was agreed that the club secretary would fulfill this function for a year on a trial basis.
Agreed unanimously.

Other business discussed was:- the coffee machine facilities, disposal of the redundant 3-peice suite and some replacement chairs of a more suitable type.

It was proposed that the last surviving founder member of the club, Roy Harrison (G3VPR) be presented with a certificate to mark his past services to the club, and be invited to become a member again.

It was suggested, and the treasurer agreed to approach the bank with a view to a more regular approach to control of cheque signing. It was agreed that the three principal club officers, (ie Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary) should be nominated to sign cheques on a "any two signatures " basis. This item had been discussed during the past year.
Agreed unanimously.

The meeting closed at 9.00 P.M.