Treasurers Report

Although the Society shows an expenditure of £1771.34 over income for the year to end of 2001 attention must be drawn to the fact that many assets were purchased in the last 12 months (details are shown on appendix A) Many of these items purchased within the last year have been planned for some time.

The balance sheet is detailed in a similar way as last year with one or two exceptions.

Points to note are as follows...

Subscriptions were down on last year by 2 however you may recall that last years figures showed 2 memberships paid in Dec 00 for the year of 2001.

Rally Income was up and expenses down (Good weather lots of car boot pitches, and no additional tables hired were in my opinion a major factor).

Junk Sales. Two successful events, takings well up on last year. Included in the expenses of the junk sales is the cost of the food hygiene course that Brenda and Helen attended, both ladies passed with 100% marks. Those preparing and serving food at such events must hold basic food hygiene certificates to comply with regulations.

General expenses. Running costs were up as expected, please note the room rent paid also include back rent for year 2000 Insurance may look a large increase but some of the year 2000 payment was made in 1999. RSGB membership also increased, Please note that although the shared water and electricity appears down as of the 3lst Dec 2001 we were still awaiting the annual charge for water and 6 months of electricity.

Special events. Sadly once again a coach trip has lost money (care must be taken in future to plan so as this does not happen too often) Construction and RAE are on going projects (hence last years figs shown in brackets) These two are a major part of the clubs future and worthy of investment in order to sustain interest in the hobby.

Other headings within this section include Xmas meal, donations made and the sale of G4ANL’s junk at our junk sales and the takings then paid to the solicitors.

In summary it has despite the society showing a loss and a difference of around £1750on last years total balance, been yet again a successful year. However it does prove once again that we do need to have successful rally and junk sales in order for the society to remain sustainable. The £1750 difference referred to is approximately the cost of the two major purchases we made this year. (For once in a long while the clubroom now looks like a radio shack!).

I would however like to see a more detailed account of expenditure and ALL major purchases shown correctly and less of the "buy now reimburse later" syndrome. If we are to satisfy the SHDC who do have the right to inspect our accounts in order for us to claim rate relief we must be more detailed.

I have over the last two years tried to show much more detail than ever before, however my job is not made easy if many of the clubs cheques are made payable to members reimbursed for purchases, rather than for example paid direct to suppliers, such as Mr. Lynch, Walters and Stanton etc.

M. A. Pell (Treasurer)