The South Holland Award

To be eligible for the South Holland Award award you need 100 points. Points are available for working or hearing stations in the South Holland area of Lincolnshire or the club callsigns as follows:

G400 - 40 points

G1DSP - 25 points

G4DSP - 25 points

Any club member (anywhere in the world) - 2 points

Any station located within South Holland - 1 point

("South Holland" is the area served by the South Holland District Council - the same area as the WAB rateable district of South Holland, see map below).

To claim the award, submit a copy of log book or QSL cards and enclose 5 euros or £3.50, cheques made payable to SDARS.

G1DSP and G4DSP are both regularly on HF and VHF so please look for the callsigns on the clusters. G4OO is used for special club events. for further information please contact - secretary(at)

Click here to see what this Award looks like.

Map provided with permission of South Holland District Council