Treasurer's Report, presented at the 2016 AGM.


The club has had another productive year with a good contribution from the rally and this, combined with careful expenditure, has realised a useful surplus in the funds.

I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has donated their time so generously to helping at the rally which is our main source of revenue. A special thank you to two people in particular:

Racheal for her usual patience, perseverance and persuasion in selling raffle tickets and

Ambrose for his amazing transportation solutions in getting the tables to the school.

We will be looking for an alternative transport solution this coming year so if anyone has any ideas please let us know.

With regard to the Swimming Pool we tried to discuss options with the SHDC agents but they were not interested in providing a reasonable price and the rental of the room was not renewed. Although the Swimming Pool was a reasonably comfortable venue there were many difficulties with running a radio station. From what I hear I believe most people are happy with meeting at the caravan albeit that we still need to address the electrical and plumbing challenges!

The membership has stayed at about the same level as last year, but interestingly the income from the annual subscriptions increased, this was due to several members’ generosity. When looking at what subscriptions should be set at for the coming year I noticed that the basic running costs of the society, the caravan and other subscriptions was more or less covered by subscriptions.

Thanks also go to Graham Boor for the donation of his contribution from the Lincoln Short Wave Club for his work at the HamFest.

One final item worthy of note is the valuation of the caravan, it is a key asset of the club and we need to take care of it, not just keeping it clean and modifications to a minimum. I have been reminded by the insurance company that we must obtain a gas safety certificate before using any gas appliances or we invalidate the insurance cover.

Overall the club has maintained the status quo again during 2015 and remains healthy. As usual, should any member wish to have sight of the accounts in detail then please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Andrew Hebden
