Treasurer's Report, presented at the 2014 AGM.

 The club has had a significantly better year financially with a good contribution from the rally and slightly  reduced  overall costs .The room rental at the swimming pool was increased by 2.9% which is broadly in line with other SHDC services.

 The membership has more or less stayed the same at 41,however, the subscription income has increased due to the generosity from some members.

  The increase in the contribution from the rally this year was primarily due to increases in the gate takings, pitch rentals, the raffle and additional contributions from LAM and the WAB Award Group. The costs for running the rally remained about the same with John Hill negotiating the charge for the hire of the school at the same price as 2012.

 Club and magazine subscriptions were slightly lower this year due to taking advantage of a special offer.  

Donations to the club have remained generous this year and have been most welcome. Special mention goes to Graham as the LSWC contribution for his work at the Hamfest was up by 33% .

 Takings at the junksale in February were down slightly compared to 2012.  

Over all the club has done well this year and the bank balance is nearly £500 up. This has not happened by accident but due to the hard work of the club members at the various events during the year.

 Andrew Hebden
