Treasurer's Report, presented at the 2006 AGM.

The subscriptions are showing a steady increase over previous years, this I think is mainly due to John's novice, intermediate and full licence classes which seem to be very successful. Keep it up John.

Junk Sales
The junk sales income is down again this year which is quite disappointing. A lot of effort is put into them by the club members and the people behind the scenes who make such excellent bacon butties and make the tea. (Thanks Brenda and the
Obviously we can't make people turn out on a Sunday morning but is there anything we can do to make them more successful. Any suggestions?

The rally was an outstanding success again this year, thanks once again to the club members who devoted a lot of time and energy to it. The good weather no doubt also contributed to it. The rally is our main source of income so if we do as well as this in the future the club should be financially secure.

Christmas dinner
The Christmas dinner was well attended again this year and as usual was break even.
The raffle money this year went to the widow of Silent Key Dave Andrew MOCPI.

The club bought a second hand 100 MHz oscilloscope for members use as well as for club activities and should be a valuable piece of test equipment. We also bought an antenna analyzer which has already been put to good use. A new antenna was also bought but has yet to be built and erected.

John M1CDL. Treasurer.