Chairman's Report, presented at the 2011 AGM.

2010 has been another good year for the club; the targets that were set have been achieved.

The Gleed school has been booked again for Sunday 5th June, for the annual rally, this years facilities can be extended if necessary, to accommodate more traders.

The junk sale has been set for the 20th February at Bromley Hall, Pode Hole.

The club is actively using the clubs callsigns for contests and have achieved an overall 7th position in the 144UKAC, 6th in the 432UKAC.

The club held a successful open day during the year, to promote the hobby and the club.

A new V/UHF antenna has been purchased to assist with the rally talk in, and other outside events. The club Library has been extended with more reference books.

The fun day held at the end of summer proved, once again, to be very popular, many stations were set up and all enjoyed the barbeque.

The Christmas dinner was well attended by members and their guests, the raffle proceeds were donated to the Butterfly Hospice Trust.

This coming year will be hard due to the financial restraints, so we ask all for their continued support.

 My thanks go to all members for all their good work during the year, your support does mean our club will survive and continue to grow.

