Chairman's Report, presented at the 2009 AGM.

2008 has been another good year for the club. Targets that were set have been achieved. 

The Gleed school has been booked for the 7th June. Thanks to a good rally last year. 

The junk sale has been set for the 15th February. 

The increase in fees for both the school and the club room has been in line with inflation. 

The club is now using all call signs from various locations and has come 5th in the R.S.G.B.  V.H.F. contests. 

The South Holland award is still available for those interested. 

GB3TL continues to run faultlessly. 

We have purchased a FT857 plus PSU for the mobile unit. 

We now have a HF long wire aerial as well.  

The club has helped G3TYR and G4EXP with their requirements. 

We had a nice meal at The Bull at Pinchbeck and the raffle proceeds are going to Ward 7A comfort fund for patients with cancer at the Pilgrim Hospital, Boston. 

My thanks go to all for good team work and to those who have donated time and effort to the club. The club is in a healthy state.

John, G4NBR