Chairman's Report, presented at the 2004 AGM.

2004 has been a very difficult year for the club, but thanks to hard work and determination, a very rewarding year.

The Sir John Gleed Boys School has been booked again, thanks to another good rally there. There were also two reasonably successful junk sales at Bromley Hall, we must do more to promote them.

After a lot of hard work by the committee a mobile Portakabin type unit has been purchased & full planning permission to place and erect aerials was granted.

The club has managed to secure from the council two rooms at the swimming pool on a very reasonable contract, these are on a shared basis but in time could be permanent. This gives us two strings to our bow.

We are proceeding with teaching all three licenses, foundation, intermediate and full this stood us in good favour with South Holland District Council when push came to shove.

I would like to see the construction evenings started again and the mobile unit fitted out to use for contests/promotional use.

The new clubroom is steadily being equipped at the moment.

To round off the year the club had a nice Christmasmas meal at the Mailcart and £50.00 was raised for the Jay Gee Dog Sanctuary.

Remember this is your club, nothing in, and nothing out.

John Hill G4NBR